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Campaign - Varad National Tangible Cultural Heritage Conservation

Varad Since 2010

Varad National Tangible Cultural Heritage Conservation

The cultural heritage may be defined as the entire corpus of material signs – either artistic or symbolic – handed on by the past to each culture and, therefore, to the whole of humankind. As a constituent part of the affirmation and enrichment of cultural identities, as a legacy belonging to all humankind, the cultural heritage gives each particular place its recognizable features and is the storehouse of human experience. The preservation and presentation of the cultural heritage are therefore a corner-stone of any cultural policy. – UNESCO
The conservation of cultural heritage refers to the measures taken to extend the life of cultural heritage while strengthening transmission of its significant heritage messages and values. National heritages help people to gain more understanding of their ancient cultures and past.
The mission of National Conservation Policy (NCP) is to support the heritage of our nation by preserving and conserving the cultural heritage assets so that they can be accessed and enjoyed by present and future generations.

Why heritage conservation?

Human race has always relied on its past to build the present and construct its future. Generations have lived before us and shaped the world we reside in. It is important to protect our heritage as it adds character and distinctiveness to the place, region or community and hence provides a sense of identity. Cultural Heritage is the legacy of physical artefacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from the past generations, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations. Whatever the shape, size and form of a heritage it requires efforts to protect and safeguard it.
It is our moral, ethical and civic responsibility to acknowledge and honour our heritage and traditions. Moreover, effective conservation of urban heritage (historical buildings, festivals, art forms, dance, music, sculpture) also helps in safeguarding the resources, revitalizing local economies and boosting sense of identity and pride of local residents. Why heritage conservation?

Cultural heritage includes:

Varad Since 2010

VARAD National Tangible Cultural Heritage Conservation

Documention – Our Past Or the Future
Today the world is losing its architectural and archaeological cultural heritage faster than it can be documented. Human-caused disasters, such as war and uncontrolled development, are major culprits. Natural disasters, neglect, and inappropriate conservation are also among the reasons that our heritage is vanishing.
Heritage Documentation is a continuous process enabling the monitoring, maintenance, and understanding needed for conservation by the supply of appropriate and timely information. Documentation is both the product and action of meeting the information needs of heritage management.
Need for Architectural conservation:
The evolution of human consciousness is a continuous process. History serves as a laboratory and the past serves as a demarcation to understand the regional laws and social structures. This understanding helps in our progress towards an ideal society.
Varad Since 2010

What Varad is Doing

Documention – Our Past Or the Future
Photography is essential to historical documentation. Photographic documentation has brought a fascinating aspect to historical investigation and is a powerful tool to preserve and document our rich cultural heritage. Understanding the pivotal importance of this, VARAD has executed a detailed Photographic Documentation of the most Historic, Sacred and the major pillar of North Indian Hindu Pilgrimage — Haridwar – ‘The Gateway to Gods and to the Char Dham Yatra’.
VARAD reckons photographic documentation as an important tool for teaching and understanding history as diaries and journals, and is committed to conserve and preserve these priceless artefacts in their original, natural state. Under this drive, VARAD aims to document as many as historically, culturally important buildings and ancient ashrams along with their intangible cultural impact in the area.
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